Beyond carbon removal

At Jord, we're removing carbon dioxide, providing renewable biofuel, and improving the communities and ecosystems we serve.

Making a difference

How Jord improves Communities and ecosystems

Impact that matters

At Jord, our commitment to creating a positive impact is at the heart of everything we do. We align our efforts with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals {SDGs) to drive meaningful change across social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Our impact activities are categorized into three main areas:

Environmental impact

We engage in activities that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, combat climate change and preserve natural resources.

Social and economic impact

We create green jobs, support innovation, and resilient infrastructure, aiming to reduce inequalities and foster an environment where everyone can thrive.


Environmental focus


We actively work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support renewable energy initiatives. and promote climate resilience through sustainable practices and innovative solutions.

Resource use

We advocate for sustainable resource management, efficient use of materials. and the adoption of circular economy principles to minimize waste and preserve natural resources.

Land and biodiversity

Our efforts focus on conserving natural habitats, restoring degraded ecosystems, and protecting biodiversity to ensure healthy and resilient landscapes.


Social and economic focus

Community well-being

We focus on initiatives that improve health. provide access to essential services, and support the overall quality of life in communities. Our projects aim to address immediate needs and build long-term resilience.

Equality and inclusion

We advocate for gender equality, social justice, and the inclusion of marginalized groups. Our efforts aim to eliminate barriers, reduce inequalities. and create an environment where everyone can participate and thrive.

Sustainable economic growth

We support initiatives that drive inclusive and sustained economic growth. create jobs. and foster economic resilience. Our focus is on building robust economies that benefit all members of society.

Impact across SDGs

Jord focuses on four main SDGs

Affordable and clean energy

Jord is advancing the production of second-generation biofuels designed to replace fossil fuels in industries with high energy demands for heat and power. This innovation reduces carbon emissions and enhances quality of life on a global scale.

Decent work and economic growth

We are driving economic growth in rural areas by creating jobs and investing in skills training. Our efforts are focused on building a stronger, more inclusive economy that empowers communities to thrive.

Climate action

We are tackling climate change by regenerating soils, removing CO₂ from the air, promoting clean energy, and encouraging sustainable practices. Our goal is to reduce carbon emissions and build resilience for a healthier future.

Life on land

We protect terrestrial ecosystems by restoring land, advocating sustainable management, and promoting biodiversity. Our work includes restoring degraded soils and supporting sustainable agriculture to reduce habitat destruction.