Go green with Jord's clean fuel pellets

Discover Jord’s renewable fuel pellets made from 100% C4-grass, perfect for replacing fossil fuels and traditional wood pellets for industrial heat and power generation. 

Step-by-step process

Turning C4-grass into renewable fuel pellets


C4 grass draws down CO₂ from the atmosphere via photosynthesis and stores it in the grass biomass, root system, and soil, playing a crucial role in the carbon cycle.


Jord takes C4-grass biomass and transforms it into solid biofuels using two methods:

- Direct processing into white pellets; or
- Torrefaction into black pellets.


The CO₂ released during the combustion of fuel pellets is then returned to the carbon cycle.

Renewable fuel pellets

Why does Jord use C4 grass to produce fuel pellets?


High biomass yield

C4-grasses produce a significant amount of biomass and can be harvested up to four times a year, ensuring a continuous supply.

Adaptability to degraded soils

Our farms in Senegal and the Dominican Republic cultivate C4 grass on marginal soils, where it thrives. The grass brings carbon back into the soils together with other nutrients.


Perennial nature

C4 grasses are perennial, which decreases the need for tillage and increases below-ground biomasses. These are critical for accumulating and conserving soil organic matters and enhancing soil carbon sequestration.

High lignin content

C4 grasses have high lignin contents, which are key elements in pellet production that act as binding agents. The lignins make the pellets dense and durable, improving their overall qualities. 


Photosynthetic efficiency

C4 grasses exhibit high photosynthetic efficiency and better nutrient and water use. They require minimal water and fertilizers and can adapt well to marginal and degraded soils.

Carbon sequestration

C4 grasses are among the most efficient plants for mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil.


Fuel pellets

Ready to switch to renewable fuel pellets?

Purchase our high-energy fuel pellets for efficient, reliable, and responsible heating and power generation!

Jord's fuel pellets

Heating and energy generation 

Heat generation

In industrial settings, Jord’s fuel pellets serve as an efficient fuel source for heating due to their high energy density. They are utilized in boilers and furnaces to produce consistent heat for processes such as food processing and chemical manufacturing.

Energy generation

Jord’s pellets play a vital role in generating electricity at biomass power plants and utilities focused on renewable energy. By using Jord’s pellets it reduces reliance on coal, decreases greenhouse gas emissions, and supports a cleaner energy grid.