Meet your climate goals with high-quality carbon credits

Jord’s carbon credits combine carbon avoidance and carbon removal projects, offering a robust, multi-dimensional portfolio of carbon credits.

Jord’s carbon credits

Achieve net zero with carbon avoidance and removal

Carbon credits that restore soil health

Achieve your net-zero goals by removing carbon from the atmosphere and revitalizing the soil ecosystem. Regenerative practices restore soil health, safeguarding a sustainable food supply for future generations.

Carbon credits from renewable energy

Investing in fuel switch carbon credits drives local economic growth and green job creation. By supporting biofuel production, you boost sustainable employment and enhance farmers' profitability.

Jord's carbon credits

Jord has a multi-dimensional carbon credits offering that combines avoidance and removal projects.

Fuel switch

Jord’s fuel switch carbon credits are generated by transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, thereby avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.

Soil sequestration

Jord’s soil sequestration credits are generated by storing carbon in the soil and the deep root systems of C4 grasses, ensuring long-term carbon sequestration.


These credits are produced through the conversion of C4 grasses into biochar, which is then added to the soil. This effectively stores carbon in a stable and permanent form


Jord’s projects are additional across several dimensions; market additionality and investment additionality.


Jord projects are registered, described, and decommissioned in a public registry.


In addition to the avoidance and removal of greenhouse gas emissions, Jord's projects have social and environmental co-benefits.

Why choose Jord ‘s carbon credits?

High-quality, traceable carbon credits

Full value chain control

Jord is the operator

We manage every aspect of the operation, from the soil to the final product, ensuring complete control over the entire value chain. This commitment guarantees the highest quality, full transparency, and accountability at every stage—from planting to harvesting.

Soil sampling validation

Soil sampling from the ground up

We conduct on-the-ground verifications, collaborating with reputable, independent third-party auditors for thorough field inspections. This rigorous process ensures both accuracy and reliability in all our assessments.

Validation and verification

Robust validation and verification

Jord's carbon credit methodology is validated by DNV, with verification bodies ensuring strict adherence to the highest standards. This guarantees the integrity and reliability of our carbon credits.

Interested in carbon credits?

Get in touch with us today!

Jord’s carbon credits combines carbon avoidance and carbon removal projects, offering a robust, multi-dimensional portfolio of carbon credits.

Jord’s carbon credits

We unlock nature’s potential to empower regeneration

Revitalized biodiversity

Biodiversity in the soil and local environment is improved, bringing animal life back into the fields.

Fuel switch

GHG emissions are reduced by replacing fossil fuels with renewable biofuel.

Carbon capture

Healthy soil acts as a carbon sink, pulling carbon out of the atmosphere.

Improve soil health

Healthier soil boosts fertility, enhances water retention, and supports vibrant plant and wildlife growth.