About Jord

We're redefining pellet production to eliminate fossil fuels, avoid CO₂ emissions, and actively remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Our mission

Our mission is to balance the carbon cycle and deliver renewable products.

A holistic approach

Jord is revolutionizing the sourcing and production of fuel pellets by using C4 grass as the main feedstock and focusing on creating a fuel that is CO₂e negative. Our holistic approach not only produces renewable solid biofuels but also regenerates marginal and degraded soils, removes thousands of tons of CO₂ from the atmosphere, and locks it back in the soil, effectively restoring the natural carbon cycle.

Nordic roots, global culture

Jord is a Swedish company, founded in 2017 and headquartered in Stockholm that is rebalancing the carbon cycle by producing solid biofuel and biochar from C4-grass. Jord's unique process solves three problems simultaneously:

Regenerates marginal and degraded soils

We focus on regenerating marginal and degraded soils, employing sustainable practices that restore soil health and enhance resilience for a thriving, sustainable future.

Replace fossil fuels with renewable solid biofuels

We drive the shift from fossil fuels to renewable solid biofuels, innovating sustainable energy solutions that reduce emissions and ensure a resilient, cleaner future.

Removes CO₂ from the atmosphere

We focus on removing CO₂ from the atmosphere, pioneering carbon capture solutions that reduce emissions and promote a sustainable, climate-resilient future.

About Jord

Jord is committed to restoring the global carbon cycle and advancing the production of renewable products. The carbon cycle is currently imbalanced, posing significant challenges and risks to our environment. Jord addresses this critical issue from both directions: carbon removal and emission reduction.

Resulting from our Scandinavian heritage, Jord is the Swedish word for “Earth” or “Soil”. This versatile word encompasses the ground, the land, and the essence of our planet. At Jord, we embrace our heritage and are driven by a profound commitment to safeguarding our environment and nurturing our connections with nature.

Today, we are a global and diversified team of around 30 co-workers, dedicated to making positive, lasting and important impact.

Leading the carbon transition

Operating principles


Confidently optimistic

Rebalancing the carbon cycle and restoring the biosphere through the development of renewable biofuels is no easy task. We approach this challenge with humility and optimism, staying true to our mission despite the obstacles we may encounter.


Relentless grit

Guided by the mantra, 'I will either find a way, or make one,' we tackle every challenge with unwavering grit and focus. This principle fuels our dedication to our mission, ensuring we remain resilient and resourceful in delivering impactful, sustainable solutions.


Maximize future positive impact

We are dedicated to building a transformative company that not only advances access to renewable energy but also works to keep the 1.5-degree Celsius goal within reach. Our commitment is to long-term impact, aiming to achieve meaningful progress over the next 5, 10, and 20+ years.


Sustainability at the core

Sustainability is at the heart of every decision we make. From the cultivation of C4-grass to the production of biofuels, we ensure that our practices contribute to a healthier planet, paving the way for a sustainable future for generations to come.


Transparency and integrity

We operate with unwavering integrity, ensuring that our business practices are transparent and honest. By fostering a culture of open communication and accountability, we build and maintain trust with our stakeholders, customers, and communities, laying the foundation for sustainable and ethical growth.


Take ownership

In the urgency of the climate crisis, time is invaluable, and prioritization is crucial to achieving our goals. At Jord, we encourage everyone to make thoughtful decisions that align with our mission, ensuring that our efforts remain focused and impactful.

Meet the team behind Jord

A passionate and globally distributed team


Peder Dagsánth


Henrik Harryson


Eva Teekens


Rocío López


Stefan Jönsson

Meet Jord's partners

Partnership opportunities

Partner with Jord to accelerate climate action

Through collaboration we aim to broaden and explore innovative C4-grass, biochar, and solid biofuel applications. We look for partner playing a proactive role in re-balance the carbon cycle.